Niets is zo persoonlijk
als arbeidsrecht

We maken ons sterk
voor praktische oplossingen
die ook goed voelen

De letter van de wet
met een gezonde dosis

Over OXP
We are always on



Employment law is very personal. It is about rules and agreements, but Dutch labour law is also about the translation to the personal situation. If something happens at work, if there are changes, it also affects the people involved. And that applies just as well for the entrepreneur, manager and HR specialist as for the employee.

At OXP lawyers we always make the connection between personal needs and business interests. What characterizes our approach? We are personal and always on. We are very approachable.

It’s about organizations



We always stand by our client. Sometimes that is a company and sometimes a director, a manager or an employee. This keeps us and our perspective fresh. As a result we are always aware of the gap between both sides. We try to make a new connection, cross bridges and focus on finding the best solutions. We combine our professional knowledge and experience with a healthy dose of empathy.

We understand that everyone is professionally and personally involved in what is going on. As a partner with legal know-how, we bring the various parties and their interests together. We are always eager to find practical solutions that also feel good.

Our approach is open



To be able to help clients further, we have an open mind and we really think proactively. We ask critical questions to be able to advise and support on time, to prevent problems and to take advantage of opportunities.

Every time we adapt our role to meet the needs. For each client we look for the best approach. We work together in the most practical way. This is the reason why we are also a valuable partner for HR professionals and corporate lawyers where and when necessary.

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